Although Triverna is still a relatively young brand on the tourism market, it quickly managed to take off. Intensive promotion (including TV ads and a series of publications on some of the largest Polish websites), has helped the site to take a competitive position among other e-commerce platforms offering exclusive hotels in Poland. As part of our strategy, we set ourselves a goal to create new travel content for Triverna’s company blog and run a creative campaign.
The last element turned out to be an interesting challenge. To act in accordance with the client’s communication strategy, we had to create a publication that would be interesting to the two most important target groups: tourists and hotel owners. We needed a topic that could be successfully promoted on both popular news portals and media outlets related to the HoReCa industry. How did we do it?
Looking for a content gap
During the research and preparations for our work with Triverna, we came across reports that looked at the various ways that Polish people travel. However, we noticed that most of the reports chose almost exclusively one of the following perspectives – economic issues or most popular destinations. There was clearly a lack of a comprehensive study that would take into account the preferences of Polish tourists when choosing hotels and specific amenities from their offer. It was a gap that our publication could fill.
As part of the creative campaign, we started working on a comprehensive report. In order to match Triverna’s area of work (the portal currently mainly gathers accommodation offers from Poland), we decided to focus on analyzing domestic trips. Our publication was to bring the most detailed answer to the question “How do the Polish travel around Poland?”. An answer that no one else had ever given.
The report was to be based on a CAWI survey. We wanted to present the collected data and the most important conclusions in a way that would be accessible and visually attractive. Real-time marketing was supposed to help with the promotion – we had to choose a good time to publish.
Two views on the way we travel
We started the campaign by preparing a survey. We developed a set of questions about traveling around Poland. We wanted to find out, among others:
- when and for what purpose do the Polish usually travel,
- who they travel with and which means of transport they choose during domestic trips,
- where do they usually stop,
- what is the most important factor for them when choosing accommodation,
- how much they spend on average on accommodation and what additional amenities they use.
At this stage, we decided to use real-time marketing techniques: we started collecting the data just before the holiday season. Both the client and we ran an effective promotion that resulted in the survey being completed by 1.3 K people from all over Poland. But the tourists’ opinions weren’t the only data we wanted to share.
We knew that the owners and employees of hotels, guesthouses, and guest rooms could also tell a lot about the habits and culture of travelers from Poland – and with Triverna’s help, we could easily reach them. We asked dozens of people from the industry about the choices and behavior of Polish guests, as well as the problems they most often complain about in Polish hotels and guesthouses.
The hoteliers agreed to briefly assess their customers and shared their personal stories and opinions with us (anonymity of the survey helped with the honesty of their answers). Thanks to their insight, we could present more than just an analysis of the survey data in the report. Along with the statements of the hoteliers our publication was enriched with elements of storytelling.
We supplemented the report with carefully designed infographics, in which we presented the most important information. We made sure that Triverna could also use them to promote the publication on social media. The finished report „Na wyjeździe, ale u siebie. Jak podróżujemy po Polsce?” (“Away, but at home. How do we travel around Poland?”) was published on Triverna’s blog at the beginning of July – at the peak of the holiday season.
At the same time, we started to promote the content intensively, reaching out to journalists, editorial staff, and bloggers from a prepared database with press materials. We also made sure that the most important news outlets, local media, as well as hotels, tourists, and lifestyle portals learn about the report.

Our strategy worked. Within two weeks of publishing the report, was written about on some of the largest Polish portals – including Onet,, Interia,, and By analyzing the domestic travels of Polish people, we managed to get over 100 publications on news, lifestyle, and industry websites.
Separate publications were dedicated to the report by media outlets related to the tourism and hotel industry, including Horeca Business Club,,, and The report was also printed in industry magazines: in the paper edition of the “Rynek Turystyczny” magazine and in the report “Rynek Hotelarski w Polsce”, edited by the industry magazine Świat Hoteli and
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